“Do just once what others say you can't do, and you will never pay attention to their limitations again.”
― James Cook


The Arm Pain Assassin Strikes Again!

Last night was a great night at The ARMory.  We had 3 kids at the 6:00 class who were recovering from arm injuries. Two of them were in the last stages of their return to throwing and were doing well, the third, I’ll tell you about in a minute. Most people think that The ARMory is all about developing velocity. That is partially correct. We are VERY good at velocity development. It’s actually just about the easiest thing we do. Give me a reasonably athletic guy with a burning desire to...


Nerve: A Rocket Science Live presentation by Randy Sullivan, MPT. Based on an epiphany that Randy had after reading a book titled: Nerve by Taylor Clark. It's a unique approach to managing the nerves of the game, managing tightness and anxiety you may feel in high pressure situations

10 Absolute Demands for Your Pitching Instructor This Off-Season

A while back I read a story about a man named Charles Proteus Steinmetz. He was a dysplasic dwarf who lived from 1865 to 1923, and he was brilliant. He pioneered research in alternating current and founded a company that was eventually bought by General Electric. According to one report, Steinmentz “almost single brainedly created the entire electrical world of generators, transformers, and motors that we all take for granted today."  Steinmetz was a difficult and cantankerous man who was...
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