The Biggest Little Word In The English Language
In her enlightening book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Carol Dweck,identifies two vastly different approaches to life. She calls them “The Growth Mindset” and “The Fixed Mindset”. I borrowed this table off the internet from Reid Wilson.
What kind of mindset are you?
Do you look at challenges, obstacles, and failures as roadblocks?
Or do you see them as interesting puzzles that will be fun and rewarding to solve?
I like to think I’m a growth mindset guy.
But if it has always been your habit to approach life with a fixed mindset, that behavioral pattern can be tough to break.
If you are a fixed mindset person, making the leap to growth side can feel like you’re performing a standing broad jump across the Grand Canyon.
But it might not be as difficult as you think.
It recently occurred to me that chasm separating a growth mindset from a fixed mindset can be bridged by one simple, but powerful 3 letter word…
Here’s what I mean
I can’t play the violin… Yet (but given enough time and practice I’m sure I could).
I’m not a computer guy. I can’t build my own website… Yet.
I don’t understand automotive repair. I can’t fix my own car… Yet.
I’ve never been the biggest, strongest, fastest, or most athletic baseball player. I can’t throw the baseball 90 + mph…
Well my friend, that’s because you aren’t a student at The ARMory and you haven’t attended a Rocket Launchers Training Camp…
But you can…
Very soon
Here’s the schedule for all of our events for the upcoming fall and winter.
Sep 5-7 Elite Pitchers Boot Camp, Texas Baseball Ranch
Sep 25-27 Rocket Launchers Training Camp, The ARMory (New 3-day format)
Oct 3-4 Rocket Launchers Road Show, Atlanta, GA (Closed Event)
Oct 9-11 Rocket Launchers Training Camp, The ARMory (New 3-day format)
Oct 12, 2015- Feb 12, 2016 Complete Game Pro Off-Season Training
Oct 16-17 Rocket Launchers Road Show, Dothan AL (contact Sammy Maddux, 334-793-7415 to register)
Oct 23 -24 Rocket Launchers Road Show, Virginia Beach, VA (closed event)
Nov 14-15 Rocket Launchers Road Show, Evergreen, CO (contact Nick Kapande at Nick’s Pro fitness, 720-530-8874 to register)
Nov 21-23 Elite Pitchers Boot Camp, Texas Baseball Ranch
Dec 4-6 The ARMory and Sullivan Rehab Present a Continuing Education Course for Physical Therapists: Bridging the Gap Between Rehab and Performance in The Elite Throwing Athlete in Louisville, KY (closed event)
Dec 12–14 Elite Pitching Coaches Boot Camp, Texas Baseball Ranch (Presenter: How to Build a Movement Pattern)
Dec 19-21 Elite Pitching Coaches Boot Camp, Texas Baseball Ranch
Dec 28-30 Elite Pitching Coaches Boot Camp, Texas Baseball Ranch
Jan 8-10 Rocket Launchers Training Camp, The ARMory
Jan 15-17 Elite Pitchers Boot Camp, Texas Baseball Ranch
Jan 30-31 Rocket Launchers Road Show,Denver, CO (contact Jeff Pigati, 303-564-5854 to register)
Hey… I just checked my email inbox.
I haven’t received your registration…
Click here to get signed up now
P.S. Just in case you can’t make it to one of these weekend events, we also have our Precision Strike 1 day, 1-on-1 Eval and Training Sessions.
Click here to see all the available options
Or call us a 1-866-STRIKE3 and we’ll get you signed up.
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